Support Us

When you support Answers in Exodus you support all of our efforts including The Hebraic Life Alliance, Bound2TRUTH and HeartReachers. These are all one organization focused on different aspects of our mission.

Simply put, we need your help. To accomplish our goals we need funds to keep going and keep moving forward. Plain and simple, we cannot do this without you!

Every bit of support we receive is directed towards protecting life through love and law and helping us all reach that point where we so value every human life that we have made abortion unthinkable and our born children are safe and protected from exploitation by the Medical Industrial Complex.

Answers in Exodus, the Hebraic Life Alliance and Bound2Truth are committed to overcoming evil by doing good. We are abolitionists who seek to abolish human abortion and medical experimentation on our children. We invite you to partner with us to learn how to make a difference one family or one life at a time by protecting life through love and law.

What drives our mission is a desire to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). We seek to bring justice to the fatherless and help to the helpless (Isaiah 1: 16-17). Our desire is to consistently practice what the New Testament calls pure and undefiled religion: to look after the orphaned and widows in their affliction, and to keep ourselves unstained by the world (James 1:27).

Our main objective is to assist individuals and communities who believe the Bible is what it claims to be, the Living Word of God, and assist them in understanding the current relentless pursuit of our children, preborn and born, through a thoroughly informed biblical worldview. To help get the message into our culture, we provide training in how to communicate Timeless Truth in Truthless Times, equipping truth-tellers with strong biblical communication skills. Content is highly important, but a skilled delivery of that content is also very important. We want everyone to be equipped in both areas as kingdom communicators who are powerful, experience the joy of piercing the darkness with the Light of God’s Truth, and participate in powerful victories as we take on the cultural beliefs that have brought us here.

Please contact us at if you would like to receive assistance with any of our trainings, our teaching materials or if you would like further help to take this message into your community. We are here to succeed together.

And as we strive towards that day, when abortion is unthinkable, and all of our children are protected by love and law, we thank you for whatever assistance you can provide.